Get in touch


For further inquiries please contact Martin Stand on;

tel: 07717 336 183
address: DACYM Office, Elm Ridge Methodist Church, Carmel Road South, Darlington, DL3 8DJ

Or just use the form to the right!

3 + 14 =

Support Us


The financial bedrock of DACYM is a group of individuals who partner with us by donating monthly, via standing order, to our ministry. Whether it be £5, £10, £20 or £50 a month, every pound helps us in our work.

These donations contribute to every aspect of our ministry, whether that be the running of a lunchtime club or the pastoral /listening support of a young person in need. These gifts also help young people attend DACYM activities or residentials as we intentionally keep our costs as low as possible to enable all young people to engage no matter their family income.

As a registered charity, ‘gift-aid’ can be applied so an extra 25p/£1 is claimed back from the government at no extra cost to yourself.

Why not be a partner and join with us on our journey and help us to help young people socially, educationally and spiritually.

You can download a standing order mandate and gift aid form here.

ONE-OFF gifts are also welcome and we are incredibly grateful for any support received.

You can also give directly through mydonate.


Without our volunteers, key projects like the Friday Night Drop-In, Sixth Form Drop-In and activities like Mountain and Lake would not be possible. Although we have dedicated workers, they cannot run all the provision simply by themselves.

Our volunteers can be any age (young people are looking for role models not just older sibling age but parent and grandparent too). When they were recently asked what attributes they looked for, the most popular responses were people who were: kind, caring, helpful, friendly and fun. If this is you and you want to consider volunteering, get in touch for an informal chat (CRB checks and training will be carried out).

Shopping On-line

 If you shop at Amazon, by using our affinity link Amazon will donate a small percentage of your purchases to DACYM at no cost to yourself. Simply access the site by clicking the image to the left and shop as normal.